Tyra’s Birth Story: “Nothing I expected but everything I needed”
Andaluz client Tyra shares the story of her daughter’s birthday, and how she learned to let go of her expectations and let her birth unfold in its own unique way. Below are Tyra’s words:
Sunday afternoon I started getting contractions but continued on with my day. We had a birthday party to attend and when that started around 3 pm my contractions stopped (or I wasn’t paying as close attention). Around 6 pm they started up again.
We were at Shawna and JD’s so I told Riley, “I want to go home and take a bath.” I got in the tub and they started to pick up in intensity but still 10ish minutes apart. I tried not get too excited since this had happened to me 3 times already. I’d have contractions that started in the evening but by morning they were gone.
This time was different. By midnight my contractions were fairly intense to the point where I couldn’t sleep. I woke Riley up telling him, “you’ll probably need to call into work and take the day off.“ Morning came and contractions were still there but not as intense.
That afternoon I had an appointment for a nonstress test which checks contractions and the baby’s heart beat. At the appointment my wonderful midwife, Joanna had also checked to see how far along I was. I was already 3.5 cm dilated! She asked if I wanted my membranes swept and I said, “Why not?!” She sent us off saying “I’d be very surprised if I didn’t see you later tonight.”
Almost immediately after the sweep, contractions started to pick up and I knew my body was working. Riley and I decided to pick up Chinese food, go home to rest and chill. Around 3 pm contractions started to get stronger and stronger. 6 pm I decided to get into the bath again. I was breathing through contractions now, more so for practice. I didn’t want to go in too early but I also didn’t want to go in too late so we agreed to go in at 8 pm.
On the way to the birthing center my contractions had picked up and they were 3-4 minutes apart. We got to Andaluz and immediately I went into my zone. I had my AirPods in, I was swaying and honestly thinking, “this is a breeze, I can do this!”
Around 10 pm they checked me and I was 6 cm. I was excited! It felt like it was happening so quickly and easily. Little did I know I had a LONG LONG way to go before Paisley’s arrival!
Contractions started to get closer and closer together some on top of each other & I couldn’t seem to get comfortable. I tried so many different positions, I even tried crawling. My favorite was the rocking chair (because I was able to fall asleep for a little) and the toilet (LOL). Midnight rolled around… then 2 am, then 4 am, then 6 am and I’m thinking, “How much longer?!” I just kept breathing and trying to get into a position that I liked.
I remember being on the toilet and Joanna asking me if I wanted Nitrous Oxide because we really weren’t sure how much longer it was going to be. I had really wanted to do it all natural and lean on God so I respectfully declined. Not an easy choice at this point. Around 6 am they decided to check me again and I was 9.5 cm. “YES” I was thinking, “she’s going to be here any minute…” What happened next was rough. She wasn’t dropping to where I could start pushing. My midwife would push my cervix back that last .5 cm while I pushed just to see if she’d come down, but nothing. I was at 9.5 cm for a couple more hours!
Around 7:30-8 am they brought in a new midwife, Korina (she is amazing) and she was exactly what I needed. She had this new energy and ideas to get this baby to drop. She had me hold onto the ladder and every time I’d get a contraction I would deep squat and deep breathe. This was my LEAST favorite part of the whole labor. Why? Because I could not feel her dropping, it felt like a waste of my time and energy and I was TIRED! I did that for what felt like forever until I finally stopped & tried another position, laying in the bed, pelvis elevated and trying to push. NOPE! Hated that one too.
The midwives were all giving me ideas, meanwhile in my head I’m thinking, “I want to get in that tub.” Finally I said, “I want to get in the tub.” And we all agreed.
In the tub I had lots of contractions, pretty much on top of each other. One would stop and another would start. I really didn’t get much of a break. I asked Riley to put his feet in the tub, so while I got a contraction I would lean up against his legs and breathe. They had this fan propped up that blew on me. It was the best thing ever and honestly what kept me going. In my mind I had been thinking “This isn’t what I expected. This is longer, harder… mostly LONGER!” I finally voiced it out loud, “I went into this labor with so many expectations & I feel like none of them were met.”
Right after I said that, I started to push. Like REALLY push. The midwives had all been asking me if I felt like I needed to push and I just kept saying “no” because I didn’t. All the labor training I did the people said “you’ll know when you need to push.” I never felt that “urge” that they say you’re supposed to wait for. But I was ready now! Something about getting those expectations out of my mouth had released something that was holding things up. I had let it out and let it go.
At this point I’m on all fours in the tub. I’d get a contraction, breathe one or two times and then I would put my head under water (not sure why) and I would puuuuuush and blow bubbles.
20 minutes later little miss Paisley Mae had arrived, happy and healthy. I did it. We did it. All natural, and all in God’s perfect timing. Our baby girl was here and she was perfect! In the end, my labor story was nothing I expected but everything I needed.
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