Transferring To Our Care
You are moving through pregnancy, and maybe you are curious…
Could a birth center birth be a better fit for me?
Photo credit: Natalie Broders
Transferring To Our Care:
Andaluz accepts low-risk transfer clients throughout pregnancy—even in the third trimester! We invite those who are curious about birth center care to schedule a tour and explore us as an option.
Our midwives will do a thorough risk assessment to ensure that you and your baby are good candidates for out-of-hospital birth, including reviewing your health history and medical records.
If you have already received prenatal care elsewhere, please consider obtaining paper copies of your medical records for your current pregnancy. This can help us schedule your appointment faster.
We will prepare a verification of benefits for a $50 fee to give you an estimate of what your personal responsibility will be. You can find more information about what insurance plans we accept and our self-pay rate here.
Starting Care With Us:
If you just found out you are pregnant with a home pregnancy test, you can come to us from your first prenatal appointment onward!
We can perform first trimester dating ultrasounds and provide you with written confirmation of pregnancy if needed.
We schedule appointments as early as 6 weeks if desired, but may people chose to wait until around 10 weeks when our midwives are able to hear the baby’s heartbeat with a handheld fetal Doppler.